
I don’t know how to say this, but I’m going home this week. I don’t know what I will do in my last little time in Germany, but I do know the flight back home to Canberra (3 flights, one of which is just under 14 hours long) is a total pain. Even with the best service and the nicest staff… it’s too long. So think of me this week. I’ll be bereft at my great adventure finishing, and then I have to get home. One good thing. I left home in midwinter. As I type this blogpost, it’s -2 degrees outside. 28.4F, for those who need Fahrenheit. I am going into summer. And when I leave Germany, I will be heading into spring.

I marvel at this kind of change every time I travel. My favourite is, of course, the once I traveled from Sydney to Los Angeles. I then went on to Houston, where my book tour began, but the Sydney to LA was the magic bit. I arrived earlier than I had left…

One thought on “Mysteries

  1. I definitely noticed when we came home from Melbourne five years ago and got to San Francisco a few hours before we left! OTOH, when we went to Melbourne, we lost an entire day. Time travel.

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