Apparently hanging out in the Treehouse isn’t all these humans get up to. Madeleine Robins has a new story, “‘Omunculus,” in the July/August issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. As your Editor Crow understands it, paper copies have gone out to subscribers and to bookstores, and can be ordered here; eb00k c0pies can also be ordered from Weightless Books starting July 1. Madeleine describes it as a steampunk mashup of Pygmalion and R.U.R., which sounds shiny to us.
Author: Crow, Editor
Support Clarion and Clarion West
Although both Clarion and Clarion West have cancelled their six-week workshops for this year due to the pandemic, they are holding write-a-thons this year to raise funds and scheduling online readings and panel discussions.
You can choose a writer to sponsor here for Clarion West and here for Clarion. Nancy Jane Moore is participating for Clarion West and you can sponsor her here. Other participating writers are welcome to leave their name and pages in the comments.
If you’d like to write for one of the write-a-thons, both are still accepting signups. Go here to sign up for Clarion and here for Clarion West.
Clarion is featuring a series of conversations on Wednesdays, starting June 24 with a panel moderated by Karen Joy Fowler. You can register for the different sessions here.
Clarion West is holding a Tuesday reading series, which begins on June 23 with Andy Duncan. You can register for those readings here.

Welcome to the Treehouse
At the beginning of April, just when mating and nesting season was getting underway for us Crows in North America, a bunch of Humans built a treehouse in a Crow tree and then stuck around.
We were suspicious at first, because who wants strangers around when you’re nesting? But our Australian cousins,* who were preparing for winter rather than fledglings, followed them closely and decided they were mostly harmless. In fact, they have turned out to be an excellent source of seeds and other snacks, and with all the new mouths to feed, the extra bits have come in handy. Continue reading “Welcome to the Treehouse”…