Summon the Heroes!

Summon the Heroes - Boston Pops at Home

Could you use some uplifting music for these strange and distressing times? Couldn’t we all? Here’s the Boston Pops Orchestra performing a special edition of “Summon the Heroes,” by the incredible John Williams, in honor of COVID first responders everywhere. This was recorded before the stress of the pandemic was compounded by the specter of racism, but if anything I feel even more keenly the need for a bit of uplift. (I would have liked to see more racial diversity in the orchestra, but it’s beautiful nevertheless.)

Scroll back if you’d like to see the intro by Keith Lockhart and John Williams himself. Otherwise, put up your feet, turn up the volume, go to full screen, and watch 78 members of the orchestra, all performing from their own homes. Read the whole story of the performance  here.


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