My Baycon 2024 Schedule

I’ll be at Baycon this year, hooray! This will be my first in-person convention since the pandemic and I’m super excited to see you. Please find me and say hello!



My preliminary panel schedule with some of my favorite co-panelists (I am told I may be added to other events, like autographing and a reading…stay tuned!)

Writing Beyond Trauma

5 Jul 2024, Friday 10:30 – 11:45, Writer’s Workshop (Santa Clara Marriott)

These are perilous times for many of us. As survivors or the loved ones of survivors, how has our experience affected us as writers? How do our stories transcend and heal? Escape? Educate our audience? Are there times when the pain is so great, the words simply will not come–what do we do when we have lost our voice and how do we use writing to regain it? In this panel, we will strive to listen respectfully and to leave time between each speaker to absorb more deeply what they have said.

Deborah Ross with L.M. Kate, Gregg Castro (Association of Ramaytush Ohlone),  Maya Bohnhoff ,Sumiko Saulson (Iconoclast Productions)

Creating Original Worlds Format: Panel
5 Jul 2024, Friday 14:45 – 16:00, Monterey (Santa Clara Marriott)

When creating environments for speculative genres such as fantasy, science fiction, magical realism or alternate history, what are some essential questions one needs to ask themselves about their world? How can a writer make their worlds as original as possible. We will also discuss how to research, plot, and develop a setting whether you’re creating it out of spare parts or building on an alternate reality.

Deborah Ross, Maya Bohnhoff , Chad Peterman

Beta Readers & Critique Groups5 Jul 2024, Friday 16:15 – 17:30, Sierra (Santa Clara Marriott)

Your story’s done, how do you choose who reads it first? How do you handle feedback from beta readers, writing groups, friends and strangers? How do you know whose advice to take, and how to accept criticism gracefully?

Maya Bohnhoff, Sheryl R Hayes , J.L. (Jim) Doty (Bourgeois Capitalist Establishment), Deborah Ross

Paying Forward, Backward, and Sideways

6 Jul 2024, Saturday 16:15 – 17:30, Sierra (Santa Clara Marriott)

In the field of speculative fiction, seasoned writers often encourage, mentor, and nurture new and aspiring writers. As those writers come of age, many pass on the gift. Writers at about the same stage in their careers cheer one another on, furnish emotional support, and act as beta readers. Join us for a session of gratitude, hope, and fellowship among writers, both professional and aspiring.

Deborah Ross, Maya Bohnhoff, Cliff Winnig

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